Village of Masset

March April 2017

Masset 2040 IOCP

Masset2040 Community Input Opportunities
Please join us to share your thoughts about draft policies that will guide Masset over the next 5-10 years!

An initial draft of the IOCP policies are ready for community discussion. Please join us! There is a ‘drop-by’ daytime event and a longer evening event, so we’re hoping one of these options works for you!

Wednesday, March 29th

11:00am-2:00pm                    Drop-by the Co-op and briefly share your thoughts with the project consultants about key policy directions

6:00-6:30pm                           Project presentation by the consulting team Howard Phillips Community Hall         

6:30pm-8:30pm                      Community workshops to discuss the policy directions in detail Howard Phillips Community Hall

The workshops will be led by the project consultant.

Learn more about the Masset2040 IOCP project at


Business Façade

Business Façade Improvement Program

The Village is now accepting applications for the 2017 program year, applications and program requirements are available at the Village Office.  Businesses can receive a grant of up to $5000 and home based businesses are eligible for grants of up to $500 for way finding signage. The first allocations will be made April 24.


Harbour Day August 19 2017

Harbour Day  August 19 2017

The Village of Masset is proposing a scaled back version of Harbour Day for 2017.  Holding the Agate Man Triathlon in conjunction with Harbour Day last year was well received, however, volunteers for other events were difficult to confirm.  Therefore, we are proposing the following events subject to confirming participation by the usual groups.

 Agate Man Triathlon

Pancake Breakfast

Fire Dept. Burger Café

Farmers Market

Dinner event

Anyone interested in assisting with these events or providing their own event please contact the Village office before April 28, 2017.


Business License Renewals

Business license renewals are due.  Please ensure you have a valid license to practice within Masset boundary’s as per bylaw #575 “No person shall carry on any business within the Municipality unless s/he is the holder of a valid and subsisting license issued to them under the provisions of this Bylaw for the business so carried on.”


Office Hours Easter Weekend

Village of Masset Office Hours -Easter Weekend

Closed  April 14, 2017 Good Friday
Closed April 17, 2017 Easter Monday


Event Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum

The Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum (2182 Collison Ave) will be holding its annual Spring Tea and Loonie Auction on Sunday April 9th from 2 to 4. Spend a delightful hour or two with family and friends enjoying tea or coffee or punch along with delectable sandwiches and sweet treats served on vintage china in Masset's historic museum. There will also be a loonie auction. Admission is $5.00.For more information please contact Anne Marie at 250-626-5126.


Animal Helpline

The Animal Helpline will be holding their annual Bow Meow Fundraiser May 6th.

The Animal Helpline would appreciate any donations that could be used in the live and silent auctions.For more information or to donate please call Anne Marie at 250-626-5126 or email

Stay tuned for more information in the May/June Newsletter.