Office Hours Easter Weekend
Village of Masset Office Hours -Easter Weekend
Closed April 19, 2019 Good Friday
Closed April 22, 2019 Easter Monday
Business License Renewals
Business license renewals are due. Please ensure you have a valid license to practice within Masset boundary’s as per bylaw #575 “No person shall carry on any business within the Municipality unless s/he is the holder of a valid and subsisting license issued to them under the provisions of this Bylaw for the business so carried on.”
2019 Business Façade
The Village is now accepting applications for the 2019 program year, applications and program requirements are available at the Village Office. Businesses can receive a grant of up to $5000 and home based businesses are eligible for grants of up to $500 for way finding signage. The first allocations will be made April 22, 2019.
Harbour Day Planning Meeting
Harbour Day 2019 Planning Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
7:00 p.m. at the Village of Masset Office (use side entrance)
Step up to the plate, make it great!
Harbour Day 2019 will be on Saturday, May 18, 2019
Businesses & Groups are encouraged to organize an activity as a great way to promote themselves
Masset Animal Helpline BowMeow

On Saturday April 27 the Masset Animal Helpline will be holding its BowMeow Auctions and Appies fundraiser. Join us for a delightful spring evening of live and silent auctions and savory refreshments at the charming Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum at 2182 Collison Ave. in Masset. Admission is $5.00 at the door and starts at 7pm. Money from this fundraiser will be used for companion animal rescue in the greater Massett area. The Animal Helpline is a volunteer organization and all money raised is used for the care of lost, abandoned, and surrendered companion animals (food, medication, vet services). The Animal Helpline would appreciate any donations that could be used in the live and silent auctions. For more information or to donate please call Anne Marie at 250-626-5126 or
Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum
Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum Annual General Meeting
Sunday, April 7th at 1:00 PM at the Maritme Musuem
Tea & Coffee provided *Regular monthly board meeting to follow AGM
Join Our Board of Directors
The Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum Society is looking for enthusiastic and committed people to join the Board of Directors. Please consider joining our volunteer board. We meet once a month, generally on the second Sunday (we don't meet in the busy months of July, August or December) The only requirement to join is a museum membership (For the 2019 year this has been aid for by a generous donation from Gwaii Trust - normally it is $10 a year, $100 for a lifetime membership). The Museum is open during the summer, from May long weekend to Septemnber long weekend, 1-5 pm daily. The Museum is also available for special event bookings.
Please contact or Lorrie Joron at 250-626-5587 for more information
2019 Spring Clean up
Village of Masset Spring Clean-up
Monday April 29th to Friday May 2nd
For pick-up of items, please come into the Village Office, 1686 Main Street to schedule a time and pay for pick-up.
Cost: $10.00 per regular pick-up load
NOTE: All items MUST be sorted (burnable, metals, lawn debris-No kitchen refuse please) and placed at curb or property line.
There will be additional costs for certain items, please contact the office for list.